James: Week 1

September 11, 2022 | Tracy Troxel

Day 1: James 1:1-12

  • What does this text tell us about God?
  • What does this text tell us about ourselves?
  • Have you ever asked God to give you wisdom to see your trials from His point of view?
  • Why is it hard for followers of Jesus to see their trials as God’s method of making them more like Jesus?
  • How do you typically handle difficulties?
  • Share one of your most significant trials with your group.
  • What is God asking me to change in the next 72 hours?

Day 2: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

  • This is a great passage that reminds us that our trials are temporary but the good that our trials are producing are eternal.

Day 3: Job 2:1-10

  • Job’s trials are many and horrific, yet he refuses to blame God.

Day 4: Hebrews 12:1-3

  • Jesus suffered for us not so that we wouldn’t have to suffer but in suffering we can become more like Jesus Christ.

Day 5: James 1:13-18

  • Preview of next week’s sermon text.